Public Safety Communications Service (PSCS)

Public Safety Communications Service is a FleetNet Replacement Project

Manitoba has entered into a publicly tendered agreement with Bell Mobility Inc. (Bell) for a new Public Safety Communications Service (PSCS). The PSCS will provide a modern trunked mobile radio service for public safety and public service organizations in Manitoba, and will replace the Very High Frequency (VHF) radio system used by Manitoba Sustainable Development.

Over 99% of Manitobans live in the areas that will be covered by PSCS. Engineered to be highly reliable, PSCS is based on modern communications standards and will be built with modern infrastructure and equipment.

The PSCS Agreement was signed on July 30, 2018 for a duration of 18 years (i.e. three-year implementation project and 15-year service life). Bell will be responsible for end-to-end service delivery and operation. PSCS infrastructure (i.e. towers) will be owned and operated by Bell.

Bell Subscriber Equipment Information Guide

Please click on the links below to view our Frequently Asked Questions about PSCS.

PSCS FAQ for Manitoba Government Departments

 PSCS FAQ for Manitoba Non-Government Organizations

Standard Operating Procedures

Bell Support Contact Information